Saturday, November 5, 2011

Back in the saddle again... sort of...

Well, I seem to be somewhat back on track. I am eating better, and exercising sporadically. Maybe this week I can be more disciplined in working out. Although, Hubby will be off three days in a row, so it's not too likely :(

I believe I have discovered a monthly cycle that is quite appalling.  It seems once a month I gain 3-4 pounds for one week.  Fortunately by the end of the week it is all gone.  But I don't like it.  It has happened three times now.  And yes, it is in relation to "that time of the month."  So I suppose I'll have to get used to it.  And knowing what is causing it, and that it will go away quickly makes it not quite so depressing.

School is going pretty well.  Matthew's reading is coming along, we are staying up with our lessons.  We even got all of this week's work done early so we could take Friday off!  Joseph is doing well also.  Reading pretty well, but Math is kind of lagging.  At this rate we will finish all our other work months before we finish Math.  It's not that he has trouble with the concepts of math, he just has a hard time focusing on it long enough.  We are only getting 1-2 pages done each day.  But again, this is why I homeschool.  So we can go at their pace.

I mentioned we took Friday off of school, the reason was - I went to Canton's First Monday Trade Days for the first time!  It was really fun.  I got to spend some time with ladies from my church.  For those who don't know, First Monday is a HUGE flea market that takes place in Canton, Texas the weekend before the First Monday of each month.  It would have been a lot more fun if I had been able to buy anything, but pretty soon we'll have this debt under control and I will definitely be going back!

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