Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Yeah, so I was ready for the first day of school... Until we started and the curriculum software I had for my oldest wouldn't work. Every answer we tried to put in it would pop up an error window. So I wasted an hour and a half ordering and setting up new curriculum. But I was able to order basically the same curriculum in an online version. So we were able to start right away, and it is no longer taking up hard drive space on our computer. And I can access it from any computer, any time, any where. We ended up finishing schoolwork about 6pm. But we did it.

And then there was today. My oldest had a follow up appointment with the dentist from his dental surgery. He checked out fine, and on the way out I decided to schedule the next one to start his work. They were able to see him right away, so I figured since we were there might as well get the ball rolling. He is going to need 1 crown and 4 fillings. They think they can get it done in two office visits, and they offered to start right then, but I really had to get home so we left. I'll get him scheduled to start in the next week or two.

We had no sooner walked in the door than my cleaning crew arrived. And of course the house was a disaster. So the whirlwind of cleaning-so-the-cleaning-crew-can-clean began. We got two subjects of schoolwork done while they cleaned. And my niece arrived for my to babysit (a new regular thing on Tuesdays - I'm actually really excited :) Then we all went out for lunch to try to relax (my m-i-l was having a pretty bad day too). After lunch we squeezed in the rest of school work before the boys got to go to my m-i-l's and my b-i-l came back for his little girl.

So now I have some quiet time. I'm starting to feel like today was actually pretty productive. Tomorrow will be better. It has to.

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