Thursday, September 22, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Oh, will the busyness ever slow down?  Probably not.  I've been handling it fairly well I suppose.  No more anxiety attacks since I've been monitoring my caffeine intake.  No caffeine while PMSing = no anxiety attacks :)  Although I am still having crazy mood swings and hot flashes :(  My PCP was not able to help me with my PCOS symptoms.  But she did send off for a few tests for diabetes and my thyroid.  Still waiting for those results.  Now I need to see my GYN about the PCOS.  And since I've already had my annual back in February, I don't think my insurance will cover another visit.  So I have to decide if I want to shell out the extra cash or wait until February. 

School has been going pretty well.  My angel is actually reading!!  Hubby was home and helped on Monday.  He forced him to read his questions, and guess what??  He can!!  I know he's not really up to grade level, but he can read.  Pokey Little Puppy is doing pretty well also.  He has good days and bad.  I have learned during lecture time to let him roll.  He still listens and he's happier about listening.  Squirt wants his turn too, I need to find more time to work with him also.

I've found a new workout.  I'm doing a new 30 min dance cardio every day.  And I'm doing an additional 30 min boot camp.  It's pretty killer.  I enjoy the intensity but the lunges are killing my knee.  I need to remember to wear my brace.  I like that I am working out so hard, but I really hate being sore. 

I am up to 7 pounds lost on my ticker above, super excited about that!  Slow and steady loss means it is more likely to stay lost.  I was able to talk to my doctor about the weight loss, she put in a recommendation for a consult with a dietician.  Hopefully my insurance will cover at least part of it, but even if it doesn't I am hoping to have at least a few meetings.  I am really believing I can do this.  I may need to adjust my goal weight, but I can definitely get to a point of being fit and healthy. 

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