Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good-Bye for now

Grandma passed this morning, very quietly. While I am glad she went peacefully, I can't help but think it was a little out of character for her. Grandma Burney was many things, but quiet was not one of them!

She was a hard worker, she only retired 2 years ago because she absolutely had to. She was a secretary for a high school. Did she have school spirit? Oh yes she did!

She was an active world traveler. She's been on pretty much every continent. Well into her 50's and 60's she was still hiking and white water rafting. Even in her 70's we couldn't keep up with her at the mall.

She was very opinionated. She would not hesitate one second to tell you exactly what she thought. She knew what she wanted and she would not rest until she got it.

She was a blast at a party. I still vividly remember her at my sister-in-law's wedding. Those Italians know how to party, and Grandma was right there in the middle of it - salsa dancing with the best man!

She was a doting great-grandmother. I wasn't around when her grandchildren were young so I don't really know, but I've heard she didn't think she was old enough to be a grandmother. I do know she absolutely adored her great grandchildren. They made her smile. I've never seen a picture of her smiling except the ones with the greats. She has poured love on them the best she knows how, and they love her too.

She was a night owl. I've heard stories from when my Hubby would travel with her. She would be up reading when the kids finally went to bed, and she would be up drinking coffee long before they got up in the morning. I guess that's why she slept the last few weeks of her life, she needed to catch up.

No, I don't think anyone who knew her would say she was quiet. But I am very thankful she passed away quietly, in her sleep. She fell asleep in a tired, worn out body here on earth. But she woke up in the arms of Jesus, perfect and whole. So we'll say Good-bye for now, Grandma Burney. We love you!

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